Our design team has the knowledge,
technology, and tools to design the water well system
required to meet your needs. We design systems from
the most basic water well to very sophisticated industrial
installations. Our new style "frost free"
pump house has changed the maintenance needs of many
well owners by eliminating the need for heat in the
winter months. This more efficient installation saves
money each winter and relieves stress on the plumbing
as well as the owner not having to worry about frozen
pipes and power outages. Because we are licensed plumbers
you can have the same person install your well pump,
controls, expansion tanks, and service lines without
having to deal with different contractors. This eliminates
confusion and ensures the system is installed correctly
the first time while allowing the owner to deal with
one company if any warranty issues arise.
Constant pressure or CP units have evolved with technology
to become a very dependable and desirable option in
residential settings. These systems eliminate the need
for the traditional expansion tank and provide a more
constant pressure to the faucet than does the traditional
well system. Ask us about the new CP technology and
we will help you determine which system will work best
for your needs. We also perform test pumping to determine
the total output of wells as all wells are limited to
the total GPM (gallons per minute) output they can provide.
This service is usually needed in larger production
wells such as irrigation and industrial wells, but in
some cases is needed in residential situations to determine
the size of pump to be used in the well.
Industrial - We have experience
in industrial pumps, piping and plumbing. Our teams
have designed and installed many types of pumping situations
from sewage lift stations and industrial waste water
disposal systems to common centrifugal pumps to boost
water pressure. 4-D Plumbing has experience installing
systems for companies such as; Micron Technologies,
UDOT, Best Western Motels, Juab School District, Nephi
City Corp. & Moroni Processing Plant. We have good
working relationships with several engineering groups
who specialize in the water well and pump industry.
Let our team of professionals assist you in any phase
of design or construction to help make your project
a complete success.
Agriculture - Our company has
over 50 years working with the agricultural industry,
from irrigated crops to pumping waste. We have livestock
and crops of our own and understand the challenges associated
with this volatile industry. Time is critical when the
water stops flowing to a herd of livestock, or crops
during the growing season. We pride ourselves in rapid
response and repair. We also perform a full range of
services from installation of water wells, pumping systems,
pump replacement/repair, booster pumps, electrical wiring,
abandonment, sanitation and generator needs to name
a few. We have the capability to design a complete system
from the planning phase to finished piping. We can refurbish
and bring old wells back to life with modern techniques
that range from brush & swab to chemical analysis
and chemical restoration. With the help of Design Technologies
expert team and unique products, many large wells can
be brought back to original GPM production with the
correct treatment. We can replace seals, check your
electrical problems and repair all of your pump control
panel needs. No pump is too small or too large for us
to assist you with, we have served Utah's farmers for
two generations and take pride in working in this field.
Residential - We have the expertise
to assist you in all aspects of your water well and
water delivery system. Our team of licensed plumbers
and factory trained pump installers use the most modern
technology available to design and install the components
needed to complete the most efficient system available
today. We will recommend a system that fits your individual
needs to meet the maximum efficiency possible. Our pump
systems are designed using factory specifications and
matching components to assure maximum results. We have
installed pump systems at standard residential sites,
on flowing springs, at hunting cabins and pumps that
provide thousands of gallons a day for subdivisions
with great results. Our pump installers combined with
our plumbing experience provides you with exceptional
options to assure you get the results you desire. We
pride our selves in designing a system that will work
at maximum efficiency, saving you money, and providing
you with the results you expect from a quality system
for a fair price. We will spend the quality time needed
to have your system working at optimum efficiency for
your peace of mind and trouble free operation.
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Many of the older water well systems
we look at have expansion tanks that do not have liners
or are too small for the pump system they are servicing.
Many older systems were installed before there was a
concern about efficiency, and pumping costs were minimal
compared to today. Also with the drought being a factor
in water levels dropping, some pumps can not handle
the added pumping height and do not meet the needs of
the owner. With a quick visual check and maybe a head
pressure check on your pump we could make any recommendations
that we feel would make your system more efficient and
cost effective. Our design team will explain the benefits
to you or tell you if your system is sufficient for
your needs at today's standards. If you have any doubts
about your system, give us a call for a visit and consultation.
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Water Well abandonment is usually required
by law any time a well is replaced or relocated. We
have the equipment to install the grout seal and provide
the abandonment log to the State office. To read the
requirements and State Statute you can check out the
link at the top of this page under "DID YOU KNOW".
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Well Problems
This is a area that we feel we excel
in because of our vast background in wells, plumbing,
HVAC, and electrical [50+ years]. We take great pride
in finding and resolving existing problems that may
have been overlooked by others. Many well problems exist
because of simple design errors or changes made over
time by people not familiar with wells. Water systems
for water wells require different designs than standard
plumbing applications and therefore present unique challenges.
A partial list of the areas you could expect 4-D Plumbing's
Water Well Division to assist you with include:
- Low Output
- System Failure
- Freeze Protection
- Pressure Switch Issues
- Control Panel Problems
- Well Upgrading
- Increased Output
- Pump Noise
- Pumping Efficiency
- Pump Sizing
- Pump House Design
- Well Sanitation
- Well Rehabilitation
to Services
Well Proofing is done in accordance
with all state regulations and requirements. We use
modern GPS equipment for location and mapping purposes.
Our certified engineering partners allow us to process
this information in a timely and professional manner.
If this is a service you are in need of, please call
our office for details.
to Services
Common Terms Used in Water Wells
GPM = Gallons Per Minute
Static Level = The distance from ground
level to the water level in the well in a natural state
or when not pumping any water.
Draw Down = The distance from ground
level to the water level in the well while the pump
is running. This can be quite different from static
level in some cases, and this level determines the lift
that the pump needs to be able to produce to get water
to ground level and build the desired pressure on the
Casing = This is the pipe installed
by the driller to keep a hole in the ground and also
used to install the equipment in the well to bring the
water to the surface.
Perforations or Screen = This is a
term for holes made in the casing to allow water to
enter the well. There are several ways these are made
and vary from simple torching to very elaborate stainless
steel screens installed at the time the casing is installed.
Column = The pipe going from the surface
down the well that conducts the water from the pump
to the surface.
Well Seal = This is a device installed
on the casing at the surface to protect the well from
anything entering the casing, such as animals, dirt,
etc. These are important to keep wells sanitary.
Pressure Switch = Is a device used
to turn a pump on and off automatically. This determines
how much pressure a system has and can be adjusted or
changed by pump service technicians.
Expansion Tank = This is a tank with
air inside to give an air cushion to the pump system.
These are needed in a conventional well to prevent on/off
cycling of the pump.
C.P. = Constant pressure units consist
of a solid state controller and a submersible pump.
These units change the speed of the pump to meet the
demand while maintaining a constant pressure.
Test Pump = This is a procedure to
determine how much a particular well will produce, usually
consisting of step & constant rate pumping for an
extended period of time over several days.
R655-4-2. Definitions.
ABANDONED WELL - any well which is not in use and has
been filled or plugged so that it is rendered unproductive
and will prevent contamination of groundwater. A properly
abandoned well will not produce water nor serve as a
channel for movement of water from the well or between
water bearing zones.
ANNULAR SPACE - the space between the inner well casing
and the outer well casing or borehole.
AQUIFER - a porous underground formation yielding with
drawable water.
ARTESIAN AQUIFER - a water-bearing formation which
contains underground water under sufficient pressure
to rise above the zone of saturation.
ARTESIAN WELL - a well where the water level rises
appreciably above the zone of saturation.
BENTONITE - a highly plastic, highly absorbent, colloidal
swelling clay composed largely of mineral sodium montmorillonite.
Bentonite is commercially available in powdered, granular,
pellet, or chip form which is hydrated with potable
water and used for a variety of purposes including the
stabilization of borehole walls during drilling, the
control of potential or existing high fluid pressures
encountered during drilling below a water table, well
abandonment, and to provide a seal in the annular space
between the well casing and borehole wall.
BENTONITE GROUT - a mixture of bentonite and potable
water specifically designed to seal and plug wells and
boreholes mixed at manufacturer's specifications to
a grout consistency which can be pumped through a pipe
directly into the annular space of a well or used for
abandonment. Its primary purpose is to seal the borehole
or well in order to prevent the subsurface migration
or communication of fluids.
CASING - a tubular retaining and sealing structure
that is installed in the borehole to maintain the well
CATHODIC PROTECTION WELL - a well constructed for the
purpose of installing deep anodes to minimize or prevent
electrolytic corrosive action of metallic structures
installed below ground surface, such as pipelines, transmission
lines, well casings, storage tanks, or pilings.
CONSOLIDATED FORMATION - bedrock consisting of sedimentary,
igneous, or metamorphic rock (e.g, shale, sandstone,
limestone, quartzite, conglomerate, basalt, granite,
tuff, etc.).
DISINFECTION - or disinfecting is the use of chlorine
or other disinfecting agent or process approved by the
state engineer, in sufficient concentration and contact
time adequate to inactivate coliform or other organisms.
DRAWDOWN - the difference in elevation between the
static and pumping water levels.
DRILL RIG - any power-driven percussion, rotary, boring,
coring, digging, jetting, or augering machine used in
the construction of a well or borehole.
GRAVEL PACKED WELL - a well in which filter material
is placed in the annular space to increase the effective
diameter of the well and to prevent fine-grained sediments
from entering the well.
GROUNDWATER - subsurface water in a zone of saturation.
GROUT - a fluid mixture of Portland cement or bentonite
with water of a consistency that can be forced through
a pipe and placed as required. Various additives, of
sand, bentonite, and hydrated lime, may be included
in the mixture to meet different requirements.
HYDRAULIC FRACTURING - the process whereby water or
other fluid is pumped under high pressure into a well
to fracture and clean-out the reservoir rock surrounding
the well bore thus increasing the flow to the well.
MONITOR WELL - a well as defined in Subsection R655-4-2(2.8)
that is constructed for the purpose of determining water
levels, monitoring chemical, bacteriological, radiological,
or other physical properties of ground water or vadose
zone water.
PITLESS ADAPTER OR UNIT - an assembly of parts designed
for attachment to a well casing which allows buried
pump discharge from the well and allows access to the
interior of the well casing for installation or removal
of the pump or pump appurtenances, while preventing
contaminants from entering the well. Such devices protect
the water and distribution lines from temperature extremes,
permit termination of the casing above ground as required
in Subsection R655- 4-8(8.2) and allow access to the
well, pump or system components within the well without
exterior excavation or disruption of surrounding earth.
POLLUTION - the alteration of the physical, thermal,
chemical, or biological quality of, or the contamination
of, any water that renders the water harmful, detrimental,
or injurious to humans, animals, vegetation, or property,
or to public health , safety, or welfare, or impairs
the usefulness or the public enjoyment of the water
for any or reasonable purpose.
POTABLE WATER - water supplied for human consumption,
sanitary use, or for the preparation of food or pharmaceutical
products which is free from biological, chemical, physical,
and radiological impurities.
PRESSURE GROUTING - a process by which grout is confined
within the drillhole or casing by the use of retaining
plugs in packers and by which sufficient pressure is
applied to drive the grout slurry into the annular space
or zone to be grouted.
PRIVATE WATER PRODUCTION WELL - a privately owned well
constructed to supply water for any purpose which has
been approved by the state engineer (such as irrigation,
stockwater, domestic, etc.).
PROVISIONAL WELL - authorization granted by the state
engineer to drill under a pending, unapproved water
right or exchange; or for the purpose of determining
characteristics of an aquifer, or the existence of a
useable groundwater source.
PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM SUPPLY WELL - a well, either publicly
or privately owned, providing water for human consumption
and other domestic uses which has at least 15 service
connections or regularly serves an average of at least
25 individuals daily for at least 60 days out of the
PUMPING LEVEL - the elevation of the surface of the
water in a well after a period of pumping at a given
SAND CEMENT GROUT - a grout consisting of equal parts
of cement conforming to ASTM standard C150 and sand/aggregate
with no more than six (6) gallons of water per 94 pound
sack (one cubic foot) of cement.
STATIC LEVEL - stabilized water level in a nonpumped
well beyond the area of influence of any pumping well.
UNCONSOLIDATED FORMATION - loose, soft, incoherent
rock material composed of sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic
rock which includes sand, gravel, and mixtures of sand
and gravel. These formations are widely distributed
and can possess good storage and water transmissivity
VADOSE ZONE - the zone containing water under less
than atmospheric pressure, including soil water, intermediate
vadose water and capillary water. The zone extends from
land surface to the zone of saturation or water table.
WELL - a horizontal or vertical excavation or opening
into the ground made by digging, boring, drilling, jetting,
augering, or driving or any other artificial method
for utilizing or monitoring underground waters.
WELL DRILLER - any person who is licensed by the state
engineer to construct water wells for compensation or
otherwise. The licensed driller has total responsibility
for the construction work in progress at the well drilling
WELL DRILLING - the act of constructing, repairing,
renovating, or deepening a well, including all incidental
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